Friday, September 4, 2009

The Effulgence of Eric the Elephant

Eric the elephant was a classy elephant
more classy than most other elephants.
He starred in plays, and spent his days,
in an orphanage for forgotten orang-utangs.

He'd tell them stories from his childhood,
that he had remembered from years ago.
As a little elephant, Eric was taught a lesson
by a Sith Ifrican hunter and his Smith & Wesson.

The story helped Eric become an adult elephant,
and made him become the ambassador he was,
until one day, riding in the back of a lorry
Eric was joined by a mystical Maori.

The Maori chanted while dancing the haka.
"Ay akah! Akah! Ooh akah! Akah!"
and Eric started glowing a wondrous yellow
and POOF! he vanished into thin air.

Eric disappeared never to be seen again,
the orang-utangs cry for his much-needed return.
For Eric the elephant was an effulgent elephant -
witty, charming and so very effervescent.

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