Sunday, August 23, 2009

Foxy Ladies

The 16 year-old Fox
went for some botox
so she could look
young and gay.

Little did she realise
that to her surprise
she didnt have the
money to pay.

So she went outside
and with her wide eyes
started sucking men
off for cash.

And quick as a mop
she entered the shop,
paid the money and
was off in a flash.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Magoo Haiku: Patience

Ne'er-ending rainfall
A wrench in my hollow heart.
Waiting for Sunday.

Mister Trapezium Head

Oh Mister Trapezium Head
Look at the state of ye!
Your head is not normal
it's very potato-ly.

Oh Mister Trapezium Head.
with head full of helium.
Why did your parents
call you Trapezium?

Oh Mister Trapezium Head
deported from the US
because your name is wrong -
should be Trapezoid Head.

Oh Mister Trapezium Head
I prefer parallelograms,
rhombuses, not nonagons.
Mr Nonagon Head is a numpty.

Swedish Women

What do Swedish women eat for them to be so hot?
All sorts of scrumptious delights including ostrich snot.

They drink the blood of boiled bats,
and the milk from a teat of a Tunisian cat.

They scrub themselves in gleaming semen
and even the spleen of a scheming demon.

They cut down trees and squeeze their knees,
feeling like me after a bowl of peas.

I've gone off on a tumbling tangent
Nothing rhymes with the word tangent.

So to conclude this rude interlude,
have you viewed a 'suedoise' nude??

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Serious One

I love you.
Nothing more to say
